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優利德電球股份有限公司(UNILED LIGHTING TW., INC.,簡稱優利德電球或UNILED TW) 成立於2011324日,緣起於2009年菲律賓白熾燈大廠Global Lighting(Philippines) (簡稱GL(Philippines))與工業技術研究院(簡稱工研院,或稱ITRI)合作開發 E12/E14燈泡用AC LED元件開發計畫案,在臺灣成立研發中心與製造據點,藉以量產E12/E14 AC LED燈泡。優利德電球之登記資本額為新臺幣15000萬元,實收資本額為新臺幣12101萬元,投資股東有GL(Philippines)、單井工業股份有限公司、創新工業技術移轉股份有限公司(ITIC)與相關創投公司。



UniLED Lighting TW., Inc., (UniLED TW) was established on March 24, 2011. The company originated from a collaborative project formed in 2009 between Global Lighting (Philippines) (GL (Philippines)) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) which was aimed at developing AC LED components for use in E12/E14 light bulbs. UniLED has established a R&D center and manufacturing plant in Taiwan, and mass produces E12/E14 AC LED light bulbs. UniLED has registered capital of NT$150 million and paid-in capital of NT$121,010,000. Shareholders include GL (Philippines), Singlewell Industrial Co., Industrial Technology Investment Corporation (ITIC), and several venture capital companies.